船用电热带分单相和三相二大类,其结构和工作原理与JFB加强型并联电热带相同。船用电热带除有加强型并联带全部特性外,还具有更好的机械强度、阻燃性、耐油、耐热性和防霉菌生长。 |
Marine Electric heating cables classify two types:single phase cables and three phase cables.The structure and working principle are the same as that of JFB type reinforced parallel connection Electric heat cables.Besides above characteristics,marine electric heat cables have better properties of mechanical intensity,inflaming retarding,oil resistance,heat resistance and germproof. |
Product Types and Technical Parameters: |
型号 | 额定 电压 | 额定 功率 | 绝缘 电阻 Insulation Resistance
(MΩ /hm) |
| 电气 强度 Electricity Intensity
(v/min) |
| 绝缘 层材料 | 产品 zui高 耐温 | 防爆 标志 | 介质zui 高维持 温度 Highest Maintenance Temperature of Media
(℃) |
| 单电源 zui大使 用长度 Max. UseLength of Single Power
(m) |
加强型 |

| JFBC-10/2J | 220 | 10 | ≥50 | 2200 | F46 | 200 | ExeIIT3 | 120 | 330 |
JFBC-20/2J | 20 | 110 | 160 |
JFBC-30/2J | 30 | 90 | 110 |
JFBC-40/2J | 40 | 70 | 80 |
JFBC-30/3J | 380 | 30 | ≥50 | 2750 | F46 | 200 | ExeIIT3 | 120 | 320 |
JFBC-40/3J | 40 | 100 | 240 |
JFBC-50/3J | 50 | 80 | 190 |
JFBC-60/3J | 60 | 60 | 160 |
Mainly used for marines and sea oil drilling platforms. |